2011 婚姻法

时间:2024-09-16 20:45:32作者:往事如风来源:互联网我要投稿

2011 婚姻法







婚姻法全文。Chapter IGeneral Provisions。Article 2 Marriage, a voluntary union of a man and a woman, is protected by law.。The lawful rights and interests of women, children and old people are protected in marriage.。Article 3 The State promotes family planning so as to ensure that population growth and the promotion of economic and social development are in harmony.。The State encourages citizens to marry and establish families according to law and to rear children and promote family virtues.。Article 4 Both husband and wife have the duty to practice family planning.。The State provides necessary guidance to citizens who are to marry so that family planning is practiced and population growth is rationalized.。Article 5 Marriage must adhere to the principle of free choice, that is, both parties to the marriage shall be free to choose their partners and shall be equally free to initiate marriage.。Article 6 The lawful rights and interests of women, children and old people shall be equally protected in the marriage and family relations.。Article 7 Both husband and wife shall have the right to work.。The State and society shall create conditions for the lawful work of women.。Chapter IIMarriage Contract。Article 8 Marriage shall be based upon the of the parties to marry. No third party may interfere.。Article 9 The husband and wife shall conclude a marriage contract in accordance with law.。The contents of a marriage contract shall not violate the provisions of law and shall not harm the public interest or the lawful rights and interests of other people.。Article 10 The husband and wife shall have equal rights in concluding a marriage contract.。Article 11 The following matters may be included in a marriage contract:。(1) the division of property, or the right to use or dispose of jointly owned property;。(2) the method of jointly paying living expenses and other matters relating to debts;。(3) other matters that should be agreed upon.。Article 12 The marriage contract shall be concluded in writing.。Both parties to the marriage and two witnesses shall sign or affix their seals to the contract.。Article 13 The marriage contract shall come into force upon registration with the marriage registration office.。Article 14 The husband and wife may revise or terminate the marriage contract by concluding a new contract or by mutual agreement.。Article 15 The marriage contract shall be void under any of the following circumstances:。(1) where the contents of the contract violate the provisions of law;。(2) where the contents of the contract harm the public interest or the lawful rights and interests of other people;。(3) where the contract is concluded under coercion or deception.。Chapter IIIMarriage Registration。Article 16 A man and a woman who have reached the lawful age for marriage shall register when they agree to marry.。Article 17 The lawful age for marriage is twenty-two years for men and twenty years for women.。Article 18 A man who has reached the age of twenty-two and a woman who has reached the age of twenty may apply for registration of their marriage.。Article 19 A person who wants to apply for registration of marriage shall present the following documents to the marriage registration office:。(1) an application for marriage。






2011年婚姻法。第一章 总则。第一条为了维护婚姻家庭的稳定和促进家庭和睦,保障妇女、男女平等地依法享有婚姻自由和家庭、个人合法权益,制定本法。第二条婚姻法所称婚姻,是男女在自愿、以一夫一妻形式结合的以家庭为基础的社会生活方式。夫妻应当互相忠实、互相尊重、互相帮助、共同承担家庭责任。第三条国家保护婚姻,重视家庭教育,倡导婚姻、家庭美德。国家采取措施,促进婚姻家庭健康稳定发展。第四条夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间取得的财产,归夫妻共同所有,除法律另有规定或者作为个人财产的财产外。以一方的名义取得的财产,除该方能够证明是该方个人财产外,视为夫妻共同所有。第五条婚姻关系存续期间所生的子女,父母共同抚养、教育。子女有权利、义务孝敬父母。第六条夫妻应当平等协商,共同决定家庭事务,男女在婚姻关系中地位平等。家庭暴力行为是一种侵害的行为,国家禁止家庭暴力,保护家庭成员的人身权利和财产权益。第七条禁止婚前协议损害人身权益,禁止包办、买卖婚姻。禁止重婚。第八条本法所称公民,是指中华人民共和国境内的居民、无国籍人和中华人民共和国的外籍人。第二章 结婚。第九条结婚应当男女双方完全自愿。禁止包办、买卖婚姻。第十条结婚的年龄,男不得早于二十二周岁,女不得早于二十周岁。


中华人民共和国 2011 年婚姻法全文。第一章 总则。第一条 为了保障婚姻家庭的稳定和幸福,维护社会主义道德风尚,加强家庭伦理教育,适应我国经济社会发展的需要,制定本法。第二条 中华人民共和国实行婚姻自由、一夫一妻制、男女平等的婚姻制度。第三条 国家保障夫妻合法权利和利益的实现,维护家庭的和睦稳定,促进全体家庭成员的健康成长和发展。第四条 国家支持婚姻家庭自愿登记制度,设立婚姻登记机关,保障婚姻登记自愿、公开、公正,依法管理、科学服务。第五条 夫妻应当平等相待,互相尊重、支持、帮助,在家庭、社会充分发挥自己的作用。本法所称夫妻,是指男女双方因结婚而建立的家庭关系。第六条 未经当事人自愿,任何组织或者个人不得干涉夫妻的婚姻自由和婚姻平等。夫妻双方一方提出离婚的,应当依法进行调解。对于确因感情冷淡或者关系破裂等原因无法维持婚姻的,予以准许离婚。第七条 国家保护妇女的权益,禁止家庭暴力,制定并完善家庭暴力预防和处理制度。妇女受到家庭暴力侵害的,有权依法要求制止、赔偿损失、获得保护,并可以请求人民法院、人民检察院提起诉讼或者提供帮助。第八条 国家保护未成年人的合法权益,禁止早婚、强迫和包办婚姻、贩卖儿童和其他侵害未成年人的行为。对于未成年人的婚姻,应当给予保护并纠正违法行为。


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